Saturday, December 30, 2006

December 30, 2006.....December/Birthday pics of the day!!!

I will be posting cool December/birthday pics as soon as I get a chance! Thanks guys!! ; )

Here we go! Here are some December/birthday pics of the day (December 30, 2006)!! Thanks guys and gals!! I am elated with the awesome responses that I got!!! ; )

Photo ©2006 Roger R. Lopez, La Vernia, Texas

This photo here is a picture that my older brother Roger took in Connecticut. Isn't is lovely!! I believe that they are gerber favorite and even in my favorite color. How cool is that? Little did he know when he was taking this shot that he was snapping a photo of something that his baby sister absolutely loves! I immediately asked him if I could borrow it for my desktop...heehee! He and his girlfriend had taken a trip to New York in September because his girlfriend was going to be in a triathalon over there so he took quite a few pics on that trip. He shared them with me recently. He came to spend New Year's with us. He sat and shared a slideshow of 600 pictures with me from his trip. I saw pictures of New York, Brooklyn, and Connecticut. They were absolutely lovely!! My brother is extremely awesome!! He shared all of his music and photos with me and made us some fudge as well! He brought his camera, his computer, and even a cool handmade disk to cook outside on! Uncle Roger...we love you very much!!! He even brought his guitar to play and sing for us but there were so many things going on that he just didn't quite get to it. Next time there's no escaping it Roggie...heehee!! This countryboy is extremely talented and I love him very much!!!!!!

The following are the responses that I got! Thanks so much everyone!!! You guys and gals made my day!!! ; ).........

....Roggie, your pic was greatly appreciated!! I absolutely loved it! You rock!!!! Click here also!! Thanks Rog!! ; )

....Anthony, your December pics were awesome!! Click here also! I love the latest San Diego one! Thanks so much for adding one more December post to appreciate and enjoy!! Awesome!! Absolutely loooove it!

....Divemuster, you are waaaayyyy too cool!! I absolutely loved it!!

....Ladyhawk, you are the BEST! Lovely pic that you chose! I absolutely loved it!

....Whisky, you are soooo awesome!! I love ya!!! I absolutely loved it! Thanks so much! ; )

....Tanya, thank you so much for your warm birthday wish that you posted on my 'Margarita' post on 12/09/06! You are always so super sweet to me!! Thanks for that!

....Saffron, thank you so much for your warm birthday wish that you posted on my 'Margarita' post on 12/09/06! You, too, are always so super sweet to me!! Thanks for that!

....Moggie!!!! (1/23/07) I've missed you so!!! You are back...yippee!! Thank you sooo much for the birthday wish! I loved it!

You guys and gals are some extremely talented and kind people!! You guys and gals sure do know how to make a countrygirl SMILE!!! ; )

Wishing you and All only the best in 2007!!

Radiant thoughts being sent to All from Texas!!!


Friday, December 29, 2006

Wishing You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Hi Everyone! I finally made it back. I spent Christmas in San Antonio with my family. I took a ton of pictures and hope to post some soon of Christmas in Elmendorf. I've got lots of stories to tell...heehee! I hope everyone had a joyous and peaceful Christmas. I had a SPECTACULAR time! I just thought I'd share these pics for now. Enjoy!

Joyful thoughts to all!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!,


The first pic is of my little "George Strait" at Grandpa's in Elmendorf.

This next pic is of my first Krinkle ornament. I love her! I think she is precious!

The last one is of one of SANTA'S gifts to my little princess. I spent most of the day putting this castle together. She loved it!!

I hope to post country pics soon! Bye for now! ; )

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Merry Christmas 2006!

A really cool ornament that I bought this year for our tree! It's made of fused art glass. I bought it at Molten Gecko Glassworks from some gentleman from Canada at The Dias Festivos Marketplace event in McAllen, Tx. Just spreading some Christmas cheer! Enjoy! ; )

Merry Christmas!


Monday, December 18, 2006

More Rainbows for Moggie!

A few more rainbows for ya as seen through the eyes of Rick Lee. There are some awesome shots here that I just know you'll love! I hope they help cheer ya up!

Take care always! I hope all is well!


Sunday, December 17, 2006

Mom and Dad's Place

This is a side view of where I grew up. I hope to take my time and try to get some nice pics of Dad's place as soon as I can. I kind of liked this one to post for now. I'm looking forward to taking some pics of his place in the springtime. Yup! This is a snapshot of where I grew up! Many years ago, on the other side that fence, there existed an orchard of plum trees. As kids we used to run through them all of the time and, of course, pic some juicy plums to eat...Yum! My Mom used to make the best homemade jelly with those plums! YUMMO!! And, NO, that is not a pic of my house. The old house that is pictured here was on the place when my parents purchased the property. My Dad uses it for storage. Cute old house! Growing up here there was no such thing as cable T.V. or DirectTV or even city water ( we had only well water). Of course, these things existed but just not for us because we lived too far outside of the city limits. We watched T.V. but didn't have the luxury of cable T.V. We grew up enjoying climbing trees, checking out the squirrels and horned toads, playing baseball in the backyard, walking through our neighbors creek, taking rides on my Dad's tractor and helping Mom cook and bake using fruits and vegetables that were homegrown in our backyard. I absolutely LOVE fresh, homegrown tomatoes! Yummy! Great snack with a little salt! Come to think of it, I haven't had one in forever! : ( Anyway, just thought I'd share. Enjoy! Bye! ; )

SANTA is on his way! I hope all have NOT been Naughty.... but NICE...heehee! I know for a fact that you guys and gals have been extremely NICE to me so I know that SANTA will be good to all of you...heehee! MERRY CHRISTMAS to All! Only sending the happiest of thoughts to All always!!!!

I am hoping to spend Christmas at home this year! I'll take some more country pics and hope that they turn out okay! I'll share if they do...heehee!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Countrygirl Will Be A Birthdaygirl this Month!

I am placing an all out request for some awesome recipes for 'Margaritas' and awesome photos to be posted from around the world on the 3oth! This countrygirl will be a birthdaygirl on December 30th! Yup! You have all month to find a cool pic to post on the 3oth! I'll be looking forward to checking you guys and gals out that day...heehee! As for the 'Margaritas', I do know that my favorite tequila is 1800 Reposado! I just don't know what the secret is to making the perfect tasting 'Margarita'?? I actually got to join some friends for a drink after school one day this week. The 'Margarita' that is pictured here was, I have to say, SCRUMPTIOUS!! Anthony, I stole the word you used recently to describe my food! YUMMO!!! Saffron, I just stole your word also...heehee! I am very picky with my 'Margaritas'! San Antonio and South Padre were the closest places I had to go to to enjoy a good one but now...Wow...there is actually a cool place in town that makes a really delicious one....heehee. Anway, think about my requests guys and gals!! I guess I got a little carried away posting, huh? I added a ton of new posts all at once so be sure to continue to scroll down after this one...heehee! I finally posted some precious pics of home!! It was sooo much fun posting!! We finally got some awesome weather and it put me in a really good mood to post as you can see!! I also got a desperately needed hairtrim which also added to my good mood to post! Yippee!...Finally! hair feels much better. I like to keep my hair long but it had gotten a little too long! Anyway,...Bye until next time! Be sure and continue to scroll down...heehee! ; )

Heaps of the happiest of thoughts to ALL always!!


Elmendorf, Tx! Pop. 664...My Hometown!

Hey Guys and Gals! Here's a few pics of home that I snapped recently. They don't mean much to anyone else unless I explain why I took them. They do mean a great deal to me, though. These photos bring back memories, memories, memories of wonderful times...lovely and precious memories for me when passing through here! I snapped this photo about a mile away from my Dad's place! I was on the way to snap some photos at his house but I was kind of in a hurry and didn't get too many good ones. I'll have to try again next time. This is the road we drove down to go to school every morning.

This is the view from my Dad's driveway. It's usually covered with grass but I guess they have been working on clearing the area here. This is the view I had every morning when checking the mailbox for mail for my parents. In the spring, this area ( on both sides of my Dad's driveway) gets filled with tons of bluebonnets and indian paintbrush. One winter, when I was a little girl, this whole area was covered with layers of snow. I put my Dad's rubber boots and walked out there to see it. It was soooo beautiful!

Elmendorf is a tiny little town. There is only one main road off Loop 1604 that curves right back up to Loop 1604.

This is a snapshot of that road.

This tree was off the side of the country road that I posted previously by my sister's house. I just thought it was really beautiful! I thought this pic came out kind of pretty.

As you can see Elmendorf is a beautiful place! I will cherish where I grew up always! Love that enormous Oak tree! Lots of families decorate their homes with beautiful Christmas lights down these country roads. Every year I look forward to that chance to be able to go home and drive down those country roads to see them. Enjoy!

Just a Countrygirl wishing all you of you guys and gals heaps of the happiest of thoughts always!!! Bye!! ; )

Blog Tagged!

I've been tagged by Saffron

"According to the rules... Each player of this game starts with the "6 Weird Things about You". People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog!"


1. I'm waayyy too shy when in a crowd of people. Even when it's family or friends. Waayyy too weird! I shut down and won't utter a word! I really hate that about myself!

2. I talk to myself all the time!! Most of time it's about things that I do wrong or need to change. Can't stand that weird thing about myself either!

3. I feel very claustrophobic in a room where there is only one window. It kills my spirit and my mood. I absolutely love and have to have some kind of view and be able to the see the outdoors and it absolutely kills me when I know I can't appreciate the view. Weird, I know!

4. I stay inside most of the time when I'd much rather be and am dying to be outside only because I feel I don't have the space or room that I would like to have when outside and I don't want very near neighbors to be bothering me. Very weird!!

5. I refuse to buy myself a nice jacket! I don't think it's that weird though because it's very rare for it to get cold where I live. It's really hot most of the time but then when it does decide to get cold...I'm suffering because I don't have a nice jacket to keep me warm! Weird!

6. I stay up way too late and refuse to go to bed! Weird, weird, weird!

Ok, I now tag Tanya, Divemuster, Ladyhawk, Moggie, Whisky, and Rachel.

Friday, December 08, 2006

For Saffron! Special Request....

...from Saffron! Here are the recipes you requested to have, Saffron. I hope you enjoy them! I went ahead and posted for all to use if you wish. I've never shared these recipes with anyone. It feels good to share. I cherish these recipes because these are the recipes I grew up with. My Mom used these same recipes to bake pies for us every year at Thanksgiving. They are very precious to me. I didn't start using them until I had a reason to and that reason now exists. I now bake them for my children. They are still too young to realize how precious these recipes are to me. My sister has my Mom's original Betty Crocker Cookbook. One Christmas both my brother and my sister gave me the same Betty Crocker's New Cookbook for Christmas. I kept them both and had them sign them to remember always the day I received them. Take care always! Heaps of Happiest thoughts to all!! (Heaps is a word that Saffron uses and I really like it!) Will be posting more of home soon! Home being Elmendorf, Tx. pop. 664. Funny, huh? Bye! ; ) YUMMO, Saffron!! Enjoy!!!!

Libby's Famous Pumpkin Pie
(Makes 8 servings)
(This recipe comes from the back of a can of Libby's 100% Pure Pumpkin, America's favorite pumpkin, over 75 years of quality)

3/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp ground cloves
2 large eggs
1 can (15 oz.) Libby's 100% pure pumpkin
1 can (12 fl. oz.) Carnation Brand Evaporated milk
1 unbaked 9-inch (4-cup volume) deep-dish pie shell
( I like to make homemade crusts but sometimes it just isn't possible)

MIX sugar, salt, cinnamon, ginger and cloves in small bowl. Beat eggs in large bowl. Stir in pumpkin and sugar-spice mixture. Gradually stir in evaporated milk.

POUR into pie shell.

BAKE in preheated 425 F. oven for 15 minutes. REDUCE temperature to 350 F. ; bake 40-50 minutes or until knife inserted near center comes out clean. Cool on wire rack for 2 hours. Serve immediately or refrigerate.

You can also visit Very Best Baking Recipes for Libby's Pumpkin Roll recipe and more!


Pecan Pie - Recipe from Betty Crocker's New Cookbook
PREP: 20 minutes; BAKE: 50 min
Makes 8 servings

Pastry for 9-inch One-Crust (page 93 of the cookbook) or 1 unbaked 9-inch pie shell
2/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup stick margarine or butter, melted
1 cup corn syrup
1/2 tsp salt
3 large eggs
1 cup pecan halves or broken pecans ( we also added sliced almonds to this one)

1. Heat oven to 375 degrees. Prepare pastry.

2. Beat sugar, margarine, corn syrup, salt and eggs in medium bowl with wire whisk or hand beater until well blended. Stir in pecans. Pour into pastry-lined pie plate.

3. Bake 40 to 50 minutes or until center is set.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006 In My Hometown!

Yum...yumm!! Roast Turkey with all the trimmings of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner! Wouldn't be Thanksgiving without homemade pumpkin pie! I baked 4 pies...2 pecan and 2 pumpkin. Loved it! It was so much fun! We spent Thanksgiving at my sister's this year. She has a gorgeous place out in the country down the road from where we grew up. Her home is surrounded by Oak trees and open land. I love visiting with her! I don't get to see her as often as I'd like to. I love her place! It's so extremely peaceful. I love the sights and sounds here at her place. I included a view that she has from outside her bedroom window and also a view from her driveway. Love it! I hope to post more soon of my hometown. I have a few more pics that I'd like to share. Enjoy!

Happy thougts to all!! Bye!,
