The Search for the Great Pumpkin!
I absolutely love the Peanuts Classic, " It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" by Charles Schulz. We watch it every year. I hadn't shared any of my October pics so I decided to share a few. I love pumpkins!! I absolutely love autumn and the month of October! I love the feel and smell of the first cool fronts that begin to reach us in October. The only problem is that this past October it was a little too warm for us this year. I included some Kinder creations and Halloween pics here, also! The book, "A Tree For All Seasons" by Robin Bernard is one of my favorites of childrens books for Fall. I absolutely love the photo on the front cover. I would love to see a tree and a place like that someday! "The Pumpkin Patch" by Elizabeth King, also one of my favorites for young children! There are some shots of a "bumpy pumpkin". I think the imperfections give the "bumpy pumpkin" character! It's just another variety of "gourd". I think, whatever the case, it gives the pumpkin character and is a cool look for the jack-o-lantern! I hope to bake a pumkin pie for Thanksgiving this year! One of these days I'll have to try what my sister did and actually cut up the pumpkin and cook it and use it for the filling. I cheat and use the canned pumpkin but I do make my own homemade crust! Hopefully I can take some photos of the homemade stuff at Thanksgiving this year! We shall see. The little hands holding that tiny pumpkin are my son's. I thought it was a cute pic! Anyway, enjoy! Bye! ;)
Scarecrowm...amazing, where do I get a shirt like that for hubby?
Pumkins....what's with the "spotty one"? Does it have measles LOL.
Three years ago we went to Australia, and one of their main veg is pumkin with this, and that and everything. Lovely! Yumm yumm.
The tiny pumkin looks so cuuuuute!!
Another bunch of fantastic pictures. Well done you!
Love and hugs sent your way
Hope the pumkin gets better :0
Hiya Whisky!! I just love scarecrows! I'll see what I can do about that shirt for your hubby...heehee! Personally, I think it's a little too loud...heehee! I don't know what's up with the spotty ones?? They call them "bumpy" pumpkins. For whatever reason they turn out this way, I think it gives them character. ;) Woohoo, Austrailia! Pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread are my favorites! I agreee...Yummy, yum, yum! If you know of any good recipes, send them my way! ;) Glad you liked the tiny pumpkin! I just added another one and changed the pics a little. I wasn't too crazy about the ones that I had posted previously. Always a treat to hear from you! Bye! ;)
Love and hugs sent your way, also!
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